Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Steps 2 days in a row? Are you mad?!

Yesterday morning was interesting. I'd not done The Steps Of Doom for a while, and my legs were, predictably, a little sore. So, what have I been up to?

Tuesday - was hoping to swim before work but found I was unable to get myself out of bed - more down to laziness than soreness, but I decided to just wander into work and settle for just the evening session for my day. Good job too!
Body Pump - 1 hour class. Low weights on the whole, mainly because I'd been eating rubbish all day and was worried about getting a migraine (I got one in the middle of Spin on Saturday and it lasted an eternity).
warm up - 7.5kg
squats - 10kg
chest - 7.5kg
glutes, back, hamstrings - 10kg
triceps - 5kg
biceps - 5kg
shoulders - 5kg (plus press-ups, and 2 x 2kg free weights - am not liking this release!)
lunges - 5kg (good god, those three-quarter squats and double-pulse lunges don't get any easier do they!)
abs - 5kg weight for the crunches etc.

And then... Well then I skipped the cool-down track to put my stuff away and hurriedly try to fling some food down my throat before Womens Running Network. And guess what. After 2 weeks of doing pacing work between lamp posts, the trainer decided to take us to The Steps. So we jogged out to the steps.
Womens Running Network is aimed at beginners or people who've not run for a long time. People come to start running, or to learn better technique. So it wasn't a mad dash session or anything like that. Everyone is very friendly and there's no competitive "I'm going to be first to the top" nonsense, which is nice. Because the group is made up mainly of beginners, we only went two-thirds of the way up on each round as well, which was handy for me and my poor aching calves!

Any way. A few trips up and down the steps, and we ran back to the gym for a bit of stretching. Then I came home and felt sorry for myself at being so horrifically tired.

Wednesday - Again, I was hoping to swim before work but I actually slept through my alarm. This NEVER happens. Am not sure whether I'm sleeping too much or too little. Any way, no gym before work.
Spin class at lunch - same trainer as yesterday's running club. She's really great at motivating and pushing us. But I think she has something missing from her head. You know the bit that goes "ooh that hurts, I'll stop" or "ooh I feel like shit today maybe I'll give it a rest and watch Loose Women..." She doesn't have it. It's been replaced by "ooh that hurts! Brilliant!" and "hmm my body seems to be conspiring to make me stop... I'll show it who's boss!" Also I think I may be catching what she has (case in point - Steps of Doom, on purpose, two days in a row).
So yes. A very sweaty, hardcore spin session. I do wish the gym would sort out their air conditioning. Still, at least the showers are fixed now. A cold shower can only be seen as "character building" for a few days, and then it just becomes a giant pain in the ass.

Having missed any sort of exercise this morning, I felt I should probably do something when I got home...

crunches with Pilates circle x 12
oblique crunches with Pilates circle x 12 (each side)
press ups x 12
bicep curls, 2kg each -x 50 (am experimenting with high reps/low weight - and I don't have any heavier weights)

Two sets of that. The Pilates circle is so obviously one of those pieces of exercise equipment people buy from the shopping channel and then put to good use collecting dust in the spare room - but it actually does make crunches more effective. Well I think so any way. Certainly makes them hurt more.

And that's me done, until tomorrow's Monster Class Of Doom. It has a more sensible name I'm sure. but it's basically 40 minutes of ouchie-ouchie-ouch (that's a technical term, by the way)

As for the food... well as the quote on my desk calendar said the other day, "I think I just ate my willpower." Am keeping a food diary, and to be honest it's making me a little ashamed at the amount of crap I allow to pass my lips in a day. Lots and lots and lots. to think I was wondering why I wasn't losing weight. Durrrrr. There is nothing "good for you" in a cinnamon danish, no matter how you try to dress it up.

If anyone has any tips on how to stop my hands reaching for food and stuffing it into my mouth on a pretty much permanent basis PLEASE TELL ME!

That's it for now. More tomorrow possibly.

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