Monday, 18 May 2009


People often ask me how I manage to get myself out of bed and into the gym before work... Here are some handly tricks I use...

  • I have a big celebrity calendar with pictures to inspire me. Last year it was Pink, that worked quite well. This year it's Jordan, she's air-brushed to fuck and it's all a bit wrong, but it'll do. I allow myself one day off for each weekend in the month, and write that in marker at the top of the page. I put a tick for every time I exercise (so two if I do two sessions that day) and a cross for any days off. At the end of the month the idea is to have only as many crosses as days off you allowed at the beginning. I've also been trying to get more ticks than there were days in the month (not by being superwoman, just by doing more than one session in a day)
  • I pack work clothes etc before going to bed and leave my gym kit out on the side. It's easier to just put on the kit, grab the bag and walk to the gym than to faff about unpacking etc.
  • In winter, I turn the heating and hot water off before going to bed. When the alarm goes off in the morning, I either get up and out of the house quickly, or I have to switch it all on and wait around for it to heat up.
  • I still don't switch the hot water on in the summer. I end up competing with myself to see how many days in a row I can leave it switched off. My gas bills are not too bad these days!
  • I have a brilliant PT who sets me ridiculous exercises and feels that she's failed if I'm able to walk after seeing her. (see previous post for examples of said exercises)
  • Vic is doing a 30-Day Shred for summer at the moment, which means progress videos, advice, tips and a lot of other people commenting about how well they're doing.
  • Lunch time classes at the gym are brilliant for stressful days at work. It's usually the same bunch of people too so you get to know each other and even (gasp!) look forward to them
  • I download (or use Spotify for) the tracks used in Body Pump and Spin classes. There are certain songs I can't hear without feeling like my legs should be hurting!
  • For running, I have to sign up for a race or I just let myself lunch out the training too often. My next proper race is the Great South in October.
  • On days when I feel like crap, I tell myself, ok you can do 10 minutes easy on the cross trainer and then see how you feel. Then at least I've done 10 minutes exercise. I usually carry on though. It's just the getting myself there that's a problem!
  • I have one of those door gym bar things in my bedroom doorway. It mocks me if I don't use it once a day!
Anyone got any tips they'd like to share in the comments?

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