Woke up this morning a little achey from the run yesterday. Weird how it's not just your legs that ache, but back and abs as well. Still, at least I know I did something!
Decided against another run this morning, on account of the fact my foot still really hurts. Not sure what that's all about. Any way I've been cleaning the house a bit, and then decided to do a little circuit workout... mainly to keep that slightly achey feeling going, until I go to the gym and proper kill myself this week...
press ups x 12
reverse crunches x 12
kettle bell swings x 15
kettle bell side extensions x 12 each side
3 sets
Not sure if that's really enough to count as exercise - probably not if you go by my normal standards, but it's been a while so I'll let myself off! Am more awake now!
Am thinking about perhaps giving up drinking Coke. I'm getting through a lot of it at the moment - probably around 500-600 calories a day. When you add to that all the chocolate and junk I've been eating lately, it's really a miracle I've only put on half a stone in the last 6 months! So I figure, give up the Coke, and work on eating more healthily with the idea that if I'm full of fruit and vege I won't have room for chocolate or Haribo! This last week I've been trying to eat proper meals, taking salads to work and things. I don't think it's had any effect on my weight yet - mainly because of the Coke, and still eating large amounts of junk - but I'm getting there. At least I'm not eating cheese and crackers for dinner every night!
I've decided to sign up for the Reading Half Marathon next year. I didn't do it this year, and found that I actually felt like I was missing out when it came time for the actual race. Also I think I need something to be training for, otherwise it's just too easy to make an excuse not to train at all. My friend has said she'll do it for me, and we're joining a Womens Running Network at the end of this month to get us started. We've nearly a year to train for it, so there's no reason I shouldn't beat last year's time of 2:29.
I'm also climbing Snowdon in August with a friend. This is something we agreed when drunk, but I actually am really up for it. No idea how to train for it though, since there aren't many mountains round here. He says it's just a hill and I'll be fine, but I'm hideously out of shape at the moment so I need to get a lot more fit before August!
You're doing Snowdon with C? Ha ha - I' very interested in witnessing that without actually ahving to climb Snowdon with you... ah well... I'll stick to hearing the funny stories and seeing the photos.