Friday, 30 April 2010

Friday 2010-04-30

I weighed myself this morning, and was disappointed to find that I've only lost about half a pound since the beginning of April. I have, however, lost an inch from my hips, and another from my waist. So I'm claiming that as a victory.

I was a little achey this morning from yesterday's efforts, but nothing too bad. So I figured I'd go to the gym and see if I could create some major DOMS for a Saturday morning...

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges x 10 each side

Squats - 20kg x 12
Deadlifts - 20kg x 12
4 sets

Shoulder side raises on stability ball 2x3kg x 12
Shoulder press on stability ball 2x3kg x 12
3 sets

Bicep curls on stability ball 2x3kg x 12
Tricep extension on stability ball (laying on ball) 6kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball plank x 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
4 sets

I think I will probably ache in a lot of places tomorrow.
Also can probably stand to put the weight up a little for biceps/triceps next time - but the shoulder one was tough!

I think the lack of weight loss is mainly down to my diet, which has been rather shocking - and also the fact that although I've been going to the gym, I've not really been pushing myself too hard. I was in the weights bay the other day when a friend of mine was having a PT session and she was really being pushed... I can't afford to go back to PT sessions yet so I have to kick my own arse in the gym or I won't see the results I want.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thursday 2010-04-29

This morning I went to the gym with the idea of trying to make up for my distinct lack of exercise this week, despite having planned to do a lot...

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges x10

Squats - 15kg x 12
Deadlifts - 15kg x 12
Dead row - 15kg x 12
5 sets

Sprint step-backs - 2x3kg x 20 (3 step raisers)
Wall squat with shoulder raise - 2x3kg x 12
3 sets

Lat pull-down - 20kg (15kg on last set) x12
push up x 12
3 sets

Plank step-ups x 12
Stability ball crunches (arms up) x 12
3 sets

And now I am very, very tired.
The squats, deadlifts and dead rows were done without pauses between exercises - I can't remember the name for it but it's this thing where you use weights for cardio by just burning through the exercises really quickly without putting the bar down - hence using the same weight for each exercise. Am thinking of increasing to 20 next time though as it wasn't particularly difficult - though my legs were shaking by the end of it!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Wednesday 2010-04-28

Quick gym session this morning as I was on my way to meet someone, and not particularly in the mood for exercise either. Am secretly proud of myself that I still managed to get out the house and into town!

Stability ball chest flye - press 2x5kg x 12
Stability ball rox 7kg x12
3 sets

Stability ball crunches x 12
Jacknife x12
2 sets

Happy days!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Tuesday 2010-04-27

Womens Running Network started today. As it was the first session we spent a lot of time on introductions, going through the paperwork etc. Then we had a warm up in the park before doing intervals on the Town Path. Not particularly taxing, but there was some sprinting involved, and I was fairly tired by the end of it.

Next week we're doing the Steps Of Doom so am looking forward to that!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Sunday 2010-04-25

Sunday, Sunday. I arranged to meet some friends in town for lunch at 1, and got to the gym at 10:30, which meant I had a lot of time to kill...

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges x 10 each side

Stability ball single leg squat 2x6kg x 12 each side
Sprint touch backs 2x2kg x 12
3 sets

push ups x 12
Alternating dead row 2x6kg x 20
4 sets

Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 12
Stability ball single dumbell row 7kg x 12 each side
4 sets

plank step-ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball extended crunches x 12
3 sets

Treadmill - 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x5
Stepper - program 3 (intervals) level 6, 10 minutes
Reclining bike - 3-minute easy ride to cool down

and then lots of stretching!

I always used to post weight and measurements on a Sunday, to measure my progress etc. I've not done that for a while though as I put on a fair bit of weight and didn't really want to advertise the fact. I think I'm doing ok though; I seem to have lost a couple of pounds and feel that my clothes are fitting better so that's always a bonus.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Saturday 2010-04-24

I got up later than expected this morning, which was a bit lazy of me, but since I'm off work until the end of the month I guess it doesn't really matter when I get out of bed for now!

Treadmill - 1 minute, sprint, 30 seconds rest x 6
Stepper - program 3 (intervals) 10 minutes at level 6
Reclining bike - 5 minutes at easy pace to cool down

Stability ball extended crunch x 12
Jacknife x 12
2 sets
(feeling lazy!)

Am thinking about doing a sort of juice detox type thing on Monday, will see whether I can be bothered though! If I do I'll post about it here - despite the fact I'm fairly sure nobody reads this blog any way!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Friday 2010-04-23

Didn't go to the gym yesterday as I was ill. This morning I wasn't sure whether I was ill or not, but I figured I'd kick myself if I didn't go. So I compromised with my inner fitness freak, and caught the bus to the gym!

Stability ball chest press - flye - 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbell row 6kg x 12 each side
Wall squat with shoulder press 2x2kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball extended crunches x 12
Jacknife x 12
3 sets

I was going to swim, but there were loads of people in the pool so I couldn't be bothered with it.

Tomorrow morning I think I might get up and go to the gym early, maybe do some weights and see about doing the spin class if I'm there when it starts. And then spend the rest of the day in the garden!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wednesday 2010-04-21

I had a late start at work today, so had the luxury of waking up naturally, rather than to my alarm - still up by 7am though!
I've discovered that being at the gym later means you pretty much get all the equipment to yourself, which was nice - though my legs are still horribly sore from Sunday morning's exertion so I actually didn't do very much!

Treadmill - 1 minute warm-up, then 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x 5 (up to 12.5km/h)
Stepper - 5 minutes at level 6, 5 minutes at level 5
Reclining bike -  minutes at easy pace to cool down

Then I spent a long time stretching in the hope that I don't wake up with still-sore legs in the morning!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Tuesday 2010-04-20

Wow, a full week back training properly.
And my legs are killing me! I'm fairly sure the pain woke me at least once last night! Any way I dragged myself to the gym this morning in the hope that exercise would loosen my joints a bit. Didn't do much when I got there, but at least I made the effort!

Treadmill - 3 minutes walking fast at a steep incline (legs really not up to running)
Stepper: 5 minutes at level 6, 5 minutes at level 5

Stability ball extended crunches x 12
Stability ball plank with toe tap x 12
2 sets

Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday 2010-04-19

Gadzooks, did I ever ache when I woke up this morning! Very stiff legs!
I still dragged myself to the gym - it just took longer than normal to get there!

Warmed up with some cardio, then did a bit of upper body...

Stepper: level 6, 5 minutes

Stability ball chest press - flye 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbell row 5kg x 12 each side
Pull downs - first set at 20kg, then at 15kg x 12
3 sets

Then I thought since I was there I'd do Body Balance. I've not done this class for probably about 6 months. It was a new release this week though, so I was lucky in that nobody really knew what they were doing. It bloody hurt, but I think it's probably helped to stretch my poor aching legs out a bit!

After that, since I was off work and didn't have anything I really needed to do, I went for a swim. I did 20 lengths of the pool, but it was mainly for leisure rather than exercise. I would have gone in the jacuzzi/spa thingie, had it been working - but as usual, it's broken.

I was originally planning to work on lower body again tomorrow, but judging by today's inability to walk, I think I'd better leave it a day or two. So the plan is to do cardio and some abs in the morning, and perhaps Legs Bums & Tums after work, depending on my legs!

I do feel pretty good for the exercise though, and when I weighed myself this morning I appeared to have lost a pound and a half so I can't really complain!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sunday 2010-04-18

I dragged myself to the gym this morning, despite really not being in the mood for it.  Feel better for it though, if slightly sore!
First session back doing weights. I found an old program from August last year and did part of that...

Single-leg stability ball squat (with one leg on a stability ball) - 2x6kg x 12 each side
Sprint touch-backs 2x4kg x 20 each side
3 sets (ouchies!)

Lunge and floor touch with scaption 2kg x 20 each side
Wall squat with shoulder press 2x2kg x 12
2 sets

Plank step-ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball crunches x 12
3 sets

Finished off with 10 lengths of the pool, more to stretch out/chill than to exercise.

There was another superset I was meant to do but couldn't remember what one of the exercises was, so I chickened out. Maybe tomorrow. I'm going to start doing this program 3 times a week, until I can hunt down the programs I was given from August onwards.
I'm pretty sore already - my legs aren't used to this much exercise any more and the lunges really knackered me out! Still, at least I've started again, and I know I can at least lift some weights without dying!

Am off work tomorrow so hoping to have a reasonably long session at the gym. Fingers crossed any way!

Friday, 16 April 2010

Friday 2010-04-16

Managed to get to the gym in time for Spin this morning, which was pretty good.
It was a pretty tough class, with more upper body work than I'm used to so I may be a little sore tomorrow. Still, I guess that's the general plan with these things!

Am hoping to keep up the exercise over the weekend, as the photos from last weekend are still haunting me Must. Lose. Weight.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Thursday 2010-04-15

Well today I not only managed to drag my sorry arse to the gym pre-7am, but I also managed to force a friend to come with me. Go team!
I was not very imaginative on the old workout though. Will have to try harder to plan things in future.

Treadmill - 1.5 minute sprint, 30 second rest x 4
Stepper - interval program (3) 5 minutes at level 6, 5 minutes at level 5

Stability ball crunches x 12
Stability ball step-offs x 12
3 sets

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Wednesday 2010-04-14

Felt like absolute crap this morning, I was so tired it was a real struggle to get out of bed, and then I spent the whole morning at work trying not to fall asleep. I toyed with the idea of not going to Spin class at the gym, but I knew I had to go back at some point. So I consoled myself with the promise that perhaps a bit of exercise would perk me up a bit.

It was nice to go back actually; I'd been dreading it for weeks because I knew everyone would be all "hello stranger" but actually they were really nice. The instructor was bonkers as usual, and worked us really hard. I left the class feeling knackered, but smiling.

The best part was when I said I'd had to come back cos I'd put on half a stone, and one of the ladies told me it didn't look like I'd put on weight. Win!

Going in tomorrow to do some other stuff... not sure whether to go for cardio or weights. I've damaged/inflamed the tendon on the top of my right foot, so running on the treadmill is probably a bad idea since the doctor told me to rest it. Perhaps I'll hook out some of my PT program sheets and do one of those...

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Tuesday 2010-04-13

I finally went back to the gym this morning. Feel pretty good for it too...

Treadmill: 1:30 sprint, 30 seconds rest x5 (up to 12.5km/h)
Stepper: interval program (6), 10 minutes, half at level 6, then half at level 5

I went out on Saturday night, and when I saw the photos I realised I've put on more weight than I'm comfortable with. So I'm back on the straight and narrow until my birthday. Hope to lose at least half a stone over the next month and a half...

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Sunday 2010-04-04

Woke up this morning a little achey from the run yesterday. Weird how it's not just your legs that ache, but back and abs as well. Still, at least I know I did something!

Decided against another run this morning, on account of the fact my foot still really hurts. Not sure what that's all about. Any way I've been cleaning the house a bit, and then decided to do a little circuit workout... mainly to keep that slightly achey feeling going, until I go to the gym and proper kill myself this week...

press ups x 12
reverse crunches x 12
kettle bell swings x 15
kettle bell side extensions x 12 each side

3 sets

Not sure if that's really enough to count as exercise - probably not if you go by my normal standards, but it's been a while so I'll let myself off! Am more awake now!

Am thinking about perhaps giving up drinking Coke. I'm getting through a lot of it at the moment - probably around 500-600 calories a day. When you add to that all the chocolate and junk I've been eating lately, it's really a miracle I've only put on half a stone in the last 6 months! So I figure, give up the Coke, and work on eating more healthily with the idea that if I'm full of fruit and vege I won't have room for chocolate or Haribo! This last week I've been trying to eat proper meals, taking salads to work and things. I don't think it's had any effect on my weight yet - mainly because of the Coke, and still eating large amounts of junk - but I'm getting there. At least I'm not eating cheese and crackers for dinner every night!

I've decided to sign up for the Reading Half Marathon next year. I didn't do it this year, and found that I actually felt like I was missing out when it came time for the actual race. Also I think I need something to be training for, otherwise it's just too easy to make an excuse not to train at all. My friend has said she'll do it for me, and we're joining a Womens Running Network at the end of this month to get us started. We've nearly a year to train for it, so there's no reason I shouldn't beat last year's time of 2:29.
I'm also climbing Snowdon in August with a friend. This is something we agreed when drunk, but I actually am really up for it. No idea how to train for it though, since there aren't many mountains round here. He says it's just a hill and I'll be fine, but I'm hideously out of shape at the moment so I need to get a lot more fit before August!

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Saturday 2010-04-03

I went for a run this morning, only a little one. Am fairly down in the dumps at the moment, what with one thing and another. Thought a run might make me feel better but it just made me realise how unfit I've become! I ran up the steps, but only once, and then carried on round and back down to the main road. My left ankle hurts, and I've done something very wrong to my right foot which I'm hoping will magically fix itself but is actually getting more painful. Am determined not to end up in casualty on a bank holiday weekend though, so I'll keep on ignoring it!