Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Testing Testing

This is me testing to see if the new blog works...

I may or may not be back... Wednesday 2010-08-04

Hello people who don't read my blog.
I've been "away" for a long while now. The last few months have been really difficult; not just exercise-wise, but life in general. I ended up being signed off work with Depression for a month, and have been a bit mental for a while. I went back to work, and requested voluntary redundancy. They accepted my application and I left on Friday.
So now I'm trying to sort my shit out and get on with my life. It's harder than it sounds; there's an immense amount of apathy to fight against just to get out of bed most mornings, and I've not had a proper night's sleep for nearly 4 months now.
On Friday morning I woke up shit early again, and decided that, since I was up and had no chance of going back to sleep, I may as well go for a run. So I did. And I got on better than I expected to. I only went along Town Path, around Elizabeth Gardens and back again - only 3.8km. But I managed to run further than I ever used to without stopping for a rest.
On Sunday morning I went for another run. Didn't do so well, probably only about 2.8km - but at least I managed it.
Monday I went back to the gym. Having not stepped foot in the building for 2 months I was dreading it, but it wasn't too bad - and my locker actually smelled quite nice! I did a Body Balance class, which made me feel all floaty and smiley, which was something of a novelty.
Yesterday morning I went for a run - same route as Friday.
Today I went to the gym again...

Treadmill - 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x 8 (up to 13.5km/h)
Stepper - 10 minutes at level 6

Stability ball plank/step-down x 15
Stability ball roll-out x 15
2 sets

I'm quite pleased with my effort to be honest, I think the cardio was better than I was managing before.
Weirdly enough, having been so ill and miserable for so long, I think it's done a lot for my mental strength when it comes to exercise. I'm less likely to give up on my workouts now, less likely to half-ass my way through it. It's a good feeling.

The hope is that I can continue to run every other day, and do more classes at the gym. I'm off work on gardening leave now until October, so it's the perfect opportunity to get back into my fitness and exercise routine. Also I'm hoping I can manage to beat my body into submission so that it will actually allow me a decent night's sleep some time very soon! Oh yeah, and if I could get rid of the headache I've had since Sunday, that would also be rather marvellous.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Thursday 2010-05-20

This morning was a real struggle. I didn't want to get up, much less go to the gym and workout. Even when I got to the gym all I wanted to do was skip the actual workout and go have a shower. I dragged myself out of the changing rooms, promising my inner moody teenager that we'd just go and have a wander about, maybe go on the stepper...

Stepper: program 3 (intervals) level 6, 10 minutes
Treadmill - 1 minute sprint, 30 second rest x 5 (up to 12.5 km/h)
Treadmill - steep incline, walking as fast as I could manage, 5 minutes (lasted 2 minutes at gradient of 4.0)

And then I did some nice stretching to cool down. I feel good that I managed to drag myself in - usually I just give in and laze about in bed for an extra hour or something.

Hopefully tomorrow will be easier...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Tuesday 2010-05-18

Well I was determined to go to Running Club. I took all my stuff to work with me and everything... Then about 3 in the afternoon, I thought, "I don't want to go to running..." and decided not to. I wandered around town, I went to visit my sister, and eventually walked home and plonked myself on the sofa.
Then I thought, don't be such a bloody idiot, go to running, it'll make you feel better.
So I got changed, legged it into town, and did Running Club. We did the steps.
Half-way up, then down.
Then half-way up again without a rest, and back down.
Then all the way to the top without a rest, and back down.
Then up to the top, up a few more steps, and along the windy steep path through to Bouverie Avenue to run back down and into town.

I thought I was going to die. Or vomit. Or pass out. Or all of the above.

I loved it. And felt loads better afterwards.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sunday 2010-05-16

Unsurprisingly, I woke up early this morning. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. So three guesses what I did with my early start... yeah, I went to the gym

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges x10 each side

Squats - 15kg x 12
Deadlifts - 15kg x 12
Dead row - 15kg x 12
3 sets

Wide-leg squats - 15kg x 12
Deadlifts - 15kg x 12
Dead row (underhand grip) - 15kg x 12
3 sets

BOSU squat - 2x8kg x 12 (the 7kg weights had disappeared again so I had to put my weights up)
Lunges - 2x8kg x 12 each side
3 sets

BOSU squar & shoulder press - 2x2kg x 12
Stability ball hamstring curls x 12
3 sets

Plank step-ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball crunches x 12
3 sets

Stability ball plank 30 seconds (holding last one as long as possible)
Stability ball roll out x 12
3 sets

And then I did a bunch of stretches, whilst chatting to my friend Simon, who had appeared after going for a run. Simon is lovely, but mental - he did a 30 minute run, and then spent 2 hours in the gym!

I'm in two minds as to whether to go to the gym tomorrow. I've a feeling my legs will be sore after today, so I might give myself the day off. We'll see how I feel when I wake up. I've a tendency to feel like I've achieved nothing in a day if I've not been to the gym.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Saturday 2010-05-15

I was up early again this morning - no idea what this early-waking malarkey is all about, but I figure I should make the most of it while I'm still managing it. So I got up and went to the gym for 8am - thinking I'd miss most of the weekend idiots and screaming kids with shouty mothers at swimming classes. I was partly right.

push up with plate slide x 12
BOSU alternating row 2x8kg x 20
3 sets

Stability ball chest flye - press 2x5kg x 12 (should really put my weight up on this but the 6kg weights were mysteriously absent this morning)
Single leg pull down 20kg x 12
4 sets

Stability ball plank 30 seconds (held the last one as long as possible)
Stability ball roll out x 12
4 sets

I probably should have done more, but I was feeling really quite lazy and apathetic, so I did some stretching and left. I've spent most of the rest of the day on the sofa, thus probably negating the calories I burned off this morning. But hey ho, at least I managed it!

I skipped my leg workout because I didn't want sore legs on Monday for Balance, but I think I'm going to have to miss Balance on Monday any way, so I might do legs tomorrow. For a treat!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Friday 2010-05-14

I went out last night. Had a bit to drink, got home late, got to bed even later. Woke up this morning feeling like something had crawled inside my head and started to decompose... but I still dragged myself to the gym!
I gave myself an easy time while I was there though - no weights...

Treadmill: 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x 6 (up to 13km/h)
Stepper: program 3 (interval) level 6, 10 minutes

Stability ball plank 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
4 sets

When I was done I went for a swim to chill out a bit. There were a bunch of people in the pool having a chat though, so I only managed 20 lengths before I gave up and got out. The spa pool is broken again, no idea why, so no nice bubble bath to finish my workout!

I got a free pedometer in the post the other day, so I've started wearing it. More out of interest, to see how many steps I take in a day. I think the recommendation is 10,000 steps a day... yesterday it clocked 16,000 - and that doesn't include walking to and from town when I went out last night (didn't really want to rock up at the pub rocking that particular look). Today I think it got to about 11,000, but then I accidentally reset it. In any case, I'm glad to see I'm doing what the government recommends!

Tomorrow is Saturday... not sure if I'll make it to the gym or not. Since I had Wednesday off I probably should, and to be fair I do feel up for it - the only thing that puts me off is that a Saturday at the gym is usually full of people - weekenders who come in to ponce about a bit on the machines and take up all the mat space while they sit on a stability ball and chat to their mate whilst knocking out a couple of sets of crunches and then go home boasting about spending 2 hours in the gym. Plus on a Saturday morning for some reason the gym sees fit to do childrens' swimming lessons - which means the place is literally crawling with kids who run around the changing room playing tag whilst their mothers stand by the showers and gossip, and then the pool's closed on Sunday because having so much piss released into it in one morning has altered the Ph level.

Yes, I'm a grouchy old cow, what of it!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Thursday 2010-05-13

Well I didn't make spin class yesterday, due to work gumpf.
Am off work today though, so no excuses. For reasons known only to the voices in my head, I was awake at 6:30 this morning despite the absence of alarm clocks or the need to be up. So I got up and went to the gym early...

Lateral raises on a stability ball 2x3kg x 12
Front raises on a stability ball 2x3kg x 12
2 sets

Bicep curls on a stability ball 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbbell tricep extensions 7kg x 12
2 sets

I did the above twice over - so essentially  4 sets of each.

cable tricep pull down with side lunge - 7.5kg, 10kg, 10kg, 7.5kg x 12
bicep pull down - 20kg, 22.5kg, 22.5kg, 20kg x 12
4 sets (weights represent what I did for each set)

Stability ball plank 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
4 sets

Then I did a fair bit of stretching - am worried about my left hip, which seems to be in a bad mood with me these days, and is definitely not as flexible as the right one. So I stretched the hell out of my whole body.

Then a few minutes in the steam room - but I'm easily bored and there is nothing to occupy the mind in there.
And then swimming, as it was quiet. The pool was disgusting though - the water level was really low, so you could clearly see the tide mark from where it usually is (the pool is never cleaned as far as I can tell) and the water was really cold. Still, I managed 34 lengths (it's a tiny pool - about 15 metres I think), then went for a little sit in the spa pool.

So yes, I feel like I've been reasonably productive today, and all before 10am!
Am off out to a gig with some friends tonight so not sure if I'll be up early for the gym tomorrow. Will definitely be there at some point though.

Oh I almost forgot, I weighed myself this morning and appear to have lost another pound - so that's 4 pounds since I went back to the gym at the beginning of April. I don't trust it though, I generally don't count a loss until I've seen it at least twice on the scales  - otherwise it could just be a fluke! So watch this space.
I should probably start posting weekly weigh-ins and all that jazz... I always forget to do that stuff though. Am lame. We'll see how I feel this weekend...

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Tuesday 2010-05-11

Gym before work this morning. It was a bit of a struggle to get out of bed, but I managed it - and was actually at the gym before they unlocked the door, which was a novelty. For me, any way. I'm easily pleased you see.

Chest and back today. Try to contain your excitement.

Plate slide & press up x 12
BOSU alternating row 2x8kg x 20 (ouch)
3 sets

Stability ball chest flye - press 2x5lg x 12
Single leg pull down 20kg x 12
3 sets

Bicep pull downs 20kg x 12
3 sets
(working on the old chin-ups again)

Stability ball plank 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
3 sets

My legs are still sore from Sunday's workout, and with Womens Running Network tonight I figured I should spend a bit of time trying to wake my legs up. So I did. And then I came home after work, fell asleep on the couch, and missed running. Well done Vicky.

I'm thinking next Tuesday I should skip the gym before work so that I make it to running club after work. And also not have a little sit down on the sofa with a duvet before I leave for running. Dumbass.

Lie in tomorrow morning, and then Spin at lunch. Hoorah for Wednesday lunchtime spin class, which I absolutely love - even though it bloody hurts and I'm about 80% sure the instructor would see it as an achievement if one of us passed out! I always go back to work on a Wednesday afternoon with a smile on my face, even if my life is a pile of steaming turd, which, as it happens, it is at the moment. No pressure Spin Class, but it's up to you to save my life tomorrow.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Monday 2010-05-10

I woke up with my alarm this morning, which was a nice feeling. Normally I snooze for the first ten minutes, and then have a little internal argument with my inner sloth, before dragging myself out of bed and into my gym kit. Not so today! I was at the gym within 5 minutes of their opening, booked in for Spin class and doing some warm-up abs work while I waited for the class.
Except only 2 people booked in for the class, and that's not enough to make the instructor want to get a sweat on, so it was cancelled. I was secretly grateful, as a) my legs are very sore from yesterday, and b) it meant I could finish my workout earlier than the class finished, thus allowing me to get to work earlier, and therefore finish my 7.5 hours' work earlier, get home earlier... you see where this is going. I LOVE my couch and duvet!

Any way, here is what I did...

pilates ball arms and legs (you lay on  your back with the ball under your lower backs, arms and legs in the air, and lower alternate arms and legs) x 12
Stability ball plank 30 seconds
2 sets

Stability ball roll out x 12
Stability ball plank 30 seconds
2 sets

Treadmill - incline 5, speed 5.5km/h for 5 minutes (vague attempt at beginning to train for Snowdon)
Treadmill - incline 0, speed 8.5km/h for 5 minutes
Stepper - level 6, 5 minutes

Then I stopped and did a lot of stretching in an attempt to make my legs a little more flexible for the day.

At lunch time I came back to the gym and did Body Balance, which hurt like a hurty thing, but did help with my legs. Also I was impressed with myself that I managed to do the balancing things. I need to work on the Standing Strength though, I always need to stand up out of the poses. Possibly because I always seem to be sore from a particularly tough leg workout the previous day. Hmm perhaps I should plan a little better!

Tomorrow I'm going to go and do some fannying about before work, possibly some weights or just abs (I found what can only be described as an evil abs workout on Turbulence Training here) which I'm dying to try out. In the evening I have running club, which I missed last week so I'm determined to make it this time.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Sunday 2010-05-09

I didn't go to the gym yesterday; I had sort of planned to, but when it came to getting out of bed I just couldn't be bothered. That's not really the best attitude to have, but I figured, I've been exercising all week, I can take a day off. And so I took a total day off everything, and spent the entire time on the sofa under a duvet, watching terrible TV and dodgy movies.

So this morning I woke up with a feeling of  "should really make up for yesterday's slackness..." and so I did. I feel I may regret this, when I try to get out of bed in the morning!

Overhead squats (with a weighted bar) x 10
Overhead lunges x 10 each leg

Squats 15kg x 12
Deadlifts 15kg x 12
Dead row 15kg x 12
4 sets, no break in between

Lunge & scaption 2kg x 12 each side
Wall squat & shoulder press 2x2kg x 12
3 sets

BOSU squats 2x7kg x 12
lunges 2x7kg x 12 each side
3 sets

Single leg deadlift 7kg x 12 each side
Sprint touch-backs 2x3kg x 20 each side
3 sets

Plank step-ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball roll-out x 12
3 sets

Bicep pull down 20kg x 12
3 sets
(no idea what the correct name is for this, but I used the cables and the small straight bar. Am trying to build upper body strength so that I can do pull-ups, to prove a point to myself)

By this point my legs were shaking, my arms and back were sore, and I was really quite tired. So I went and had a shower.

I think this afternoon I'll try and do some stretching and use a pilates ball to massage my legs, I'm planning to go to the gym in the morning and do some cardio so it'll be handy if I can at least walk!

I'm not doing so well mentally at the moment, I've been pretty down and depressed about things and it's affecting my diet in a very bad way. I'm managing to keep up the gym routine though, which is helping. Last time this happened I basically dropped everything, and it just made everything worse, and for longer. Hopefully if I keep trudging through I'll come out the other side that much quicker. Much as I'm tempted to just throw my hands up and spend the next 2 weeks on the sofa under a duvet with a family pack of chocolate digestives, we all know that's a bad idea. Don't we?

Friday, 7 May 2010

Friday 2010-05-07

I'm trying out posting from my shiny new mobile... No idea how to do a carriage return though... Any way, i went to the gym this morning and did the following...
Stepper: interval program (3) level 6, 10 minutes
30 minute spin class

Stability ball plank 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
4 sets

I'm fairly miserable at the moment, everything seems a bit pointless to be honest, but i'm going to just try and keep plodding along until the cloud lifts...

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Thursday 2010-05-06

Shoulders and arms today. I managed to get to the gym just after it opened as well, which I was pretty impressed with. I love early starts - I'm not even joking, 6:15am is the perfect time to wander across Town Path to the gym.

Lateral raises - 2x23kg x 12
Front raises 2x3kg x 12
3 sets

BOSU squat & shoulder press 2x2kg x 12
Cable tricep pulldown with side lunge - 7.5kg x 12
3 sets

Bicep curl on a stability ball 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbbell tricep extension - 7kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball plank - 30 seconds
Stability ball roll-out x 12
3 sets

I managed to get the whole workout done, lots of stretching, and showered and into work half an hour early. Am very impressed with myself.

I also put my weights up higher than I would normally do, so am pleased I managed to finish all my sets. Next time I do this workout I'm going to try and increase my sets... and maybe weights as well.

The food is still going pretty badly, I just can't seem to stop myself eating loads of chocolate, which is annoying considering how much effort I'm putting into the gym - I really feel like I've been getting somewhere the past week with the weights I've been lifting, and I've definitely seen improvements in my body - but I'm not losing the fat because I'm replacing what I burn off almost straight away!

I was going to try and do yoga class tonight, but I've decided to just do some stretching at home and do some cardio etc at the gym in the morning instead. Best of both that way!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Wednesday 2010-05-05

Chest and back today. I managed to get to the gym fairly early this morning... but in my haste to get out of the house early I managed to leave my breakfast and lunch at home - d'oh! Ah well, at least I won't need to do anything for Thursday...

Press up with plate slide x 12
BOSU alternating row 2x7kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball chest flye - press 2x5kg x 12
Single leg pull down - 20kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball plank - 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
3 sets

I think I can probably stand to increase my weights on the alternating row and the chest flye - press next time.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

New weight programs...

So I've gone back through my plans for my weight program, and changed them slightly.
I've now set up 3 different workouts:
1. Legs
2. Shoulders/Arms
3. Chest/Back

The plan is to rotate through these as well as doing some cardio here and there.
If I try and plan my week for what I'll do when, I inevitably deviate from the plan within a couple of days, so I figure I'll just work through the weights in order each time I go, and make sure I get some cardio sessions in as well.

I think my main forms of cardio will be Spin class, HIIT on the treadmill or stepper, and running club. And to be fair at running club we usually do some work on the Steps of Doom, which I love, despite the pain.

Might start recording my weight/measurements on here again as well, the weight's not going down as quickly as I'd like but that's mainly to do with my inability to PUT THE CAKE DOWN! I need to really work on that side of things I think.

Tuesday 2010-05-04

This evening I am meant to be going to the second week of Womens Running Network... but today was my first full day at work in over 2 weeks, and I'm ashamed to say I'm knackered from it. How lame is that!  To be fair to myself, I've not had a day off training since last Monday. But really I should have planned better, and taken a planned day off rather than waiting until I got to the point I was too tired to do something I'd been really looking forward to. Idiot that I am!

I got up and did a little yoga before work this morning, as I knew it was going to be a hectic day and thought I could do with quieting my mind a little before getting started. And I've told myself that if I'm not doing running club then I can't just spend the evening in front of the TV; I need to do something constructive. 

I think I'm doing pretty well with keeping up the exercise (today's let-down notwithstanding); I think my problem is with the food. Someone at work did compliment me today, saying that I seem to have lost weight while I was off, which was nice - and I have lost about a pound and a half - but if I'd not eaten half my bodyweight in chocolate and biscuits while I was off I probably would have lost a lot more! I need to be way more strict with myself on this if I'm going to get to where I'm going. I think part of the problem is that I've not set a proper goal weight or anything like that. Perhaps I should... Perhaps I should have a look at places like Weight Watchers and see what a sensible weight for someone my height would be. I'm thinking around 133lbs, or 9.5 stones. I've no idea if that's too much or too little, but I guess it'll do for now. To be honest I think I'd be happy just to be below 140 so that can be my interim goal.

Tomorrow morning I'm getting up for Spin class before work, as I can't make the lunch time class. And hopefully some abs work either after Spin or when I get home from work. Now I need to go and make a packed breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, to make sure I don't end up getting a bag of crisps and a Kit Kat from the sandwich lady like I did this morning!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday 2010-05-03

More weights today. Think I need to amend these new weight programs I put together, cos I clearly didn't think them through properly. Ouchiness!!

Overhead squat x 10 (with weighted bar)
Overhead lunges x 10 each side

Medicine ball step jump-overs x 12 (3 raisers under the step)
BOSU squats 2x6kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball chest flye - press 2x4kg x 12
Single leg pull down 15kg x 12
4 sets

Bicep curl 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbbell tricep extension 6kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball crunches with arms raised x 12
Jacknife x 12
4 sets

Am now off to re-write my weights programs to ensure I'm not doing stuff involving my legs 2 days in a row - cos it bloody hurts! Running club tomorrow may well be fun!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

No. I've not been in a fight...

This here is the proof I've been doing shoulder presses against the wall at the gym. I think the wall needs re-plastering... And also I may need to invest in some of them there weight lifting gloves or some such!

Sunday 2010-05-02

More weights today. I've put together 3 sets of exercises to do on a rotating basis when I go to the gym, today was the first day working off these...

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x 10
Overhead lunges x 10 each side

Squats 15kg x 12
Dead lifts 15kg x 12
Dead row 15kg x 12
4 sets (resting only between 3rd and 4th set)

Lunge & scaption - 2kg x 12 each side
Wall squat with shoulder press 2x2kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball shoulder raises 2x3kg x 12
Plate slide & press up x 12
Single leg pull down 15kg x 12 (6 each leg)
3 sets

Stability ball plank 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
Stability ball plank and toe tap x 12
4 sets

I think I worked harder than normal, which is good. I've a feeling my legs will ache in the morning, which is the sort of result you want to see really - otherwise you just know you probably should have pushed harder!

The plan for the following week is:

Monday - next weight set
Tuesday - swimming in the morning, running club in the evening
Wednesday - weight set in the morning
Thursday - cardio of some description
Friday - weights
Saturday - off
Sunday - weights

I might skip the swimming Tuesday morning, depending on how I feel; it'll be my first full day at work in over 2 weeks so I might just have a lie in.
On Thursdays from next week I'm starting to do some running training with a friend but she can't make this week so I'll have to make my own entertainment.

I weighed myself this morning. When I weighed myself on Friday I'd not lost any real weight (about half a pound) and wasn't best pleased. This morning I found that I'd actually lost 2 pounds. Not sure which one to believe, but I know which one I want to believe! I seem to have more trouble losing weight than inches, which is irritating - but I guess if my clothes fit me better then my weight is kind of inconsequential... until I go to the doctor and they tell me I'm overweight!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Saturday 2010-05-01

First day of May then... to celebrate I did the Saturday morning spin class. I'd not done spin for a couple of weeks, and I've not done a Saturday morning class for a really long time - mainly because it's 45 minutes rather than the usual half an hour. You might think that's only a 15-minute difference... but 15 minutes is a long time when your legs are screaming, the air-con is not working, and you're out of breath and sweaty!

I really enjoyed it though, might try and make Saturday morning spin class more often!

Friday, 30 April 2010

Friday 2010-04-30

I weighed myself this morning, and was disappointed to find that I've only lost about half a pound since the beginning of April. I have, however, lost an inch from my hips, and another from my waist. So I'm claiming that as a victory.

I was a little achey this morning from yesterday's efforts, but nothing too bad. So I figured I'd go to the gym and see if I could create some major DOMS for a Saturday morning...

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges x 10 each side

Squats - 20kg x 12
Deadlifts - 20kg x 12
4 sets

Shoulder side raises on stability ball 2x3kg x 12
Shoulder press on stability ball 2x3kg x 12
3 sets

Bicep curls on stability ball 2x3kg x 12
Tricep extension on stability ball (laying on ball) 6kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball plank x 30 seconds
Stability ball roll out x 12
4 sets

I think I will probably ache in a lot of places tomorrow.
Also can probably stand to put the weight up a little for biceps/triceps next time - but the shoulder one was tough!

I think the lack of weight loss is mainly down to my diet, which has been rather shocking - and also the fact that although I've been going to the gym, I've not really been pushing myself too hard. I was in the weights bay the other day when a friend of mine was having a PT session and she was really being pushed... I can't afford to go back to PT sessions yet so I have to kick my own arse in the gym or I won't see the results I want.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thursday 2010-04-29

This morning I went to the gym with the idea of trying to make up for my distinct lack of exercise this week, despite having planned to do a lot...

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges x10

Squats - 15kg x 12
Deadlifts - 15kg x 12
Dead row - 15kg x 12
5 sets

Sprint step-backs - 2x3kg x 20 (3 step raisers)
Wall squat with shoulder raise - 2x3kg x 12
3 sets

Lat pull-down - 20kg (15kg on last set) x12
push up x 12
3 sets

Plank step-ups x 12
Stability ball crunches (arms up) x 12
3 sets

And now I am very, very tired.
The squats, deadlifts and dead rows were done without pauses between exercises - I can't remember the name for it but it's this thing where you use weights for cardio by just burning through the exercises really quickly without putting the bar down - hence using the same weight for each exercise. Am thinking of increasing to 20 next time though as it wasn't particularly difficult - though my legs were shaking by the end of it!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Wednesday 2010-04-28

Quick gym session this morning as I was on my way to meet someone, and not particularly in the mood for exercise either. Am secretly proud of myself that I still managed to get out the house and into town!

Stability ball chest flye - press 2x5kg x 12
Stability ball rox 7kg x12
3 sets

Stability ball crunches x 12
Jacknife x12
2 sets

Happy days!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Tuesday 2010-04-27

Womens Running Network started today. As it was the first session we spent a lot of time on introductions, going through the paperwork etc. Then we had a warm up in the park before doing intervals on the Town Path. Not particularly taxing, but there was some sprinting involved, and I was fairly tired by the end of it.

Next week we're doing the Steps Of Doom so am looking forward to that!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Sunday 2010-04-25

Sunday, Sunday. I arranged to meet some friends in town for lunch at 1, and got to the gym at 10:30, which meant I had a lot of time to kill...

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges x 10 each side

Stability ball single leg squat 2x6kg x 12 each side
Sprint touch backs 2x2kg x 12
3 sets

push ups x 12
Alternating dead row 2x6kg x 20
4 sets

Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 12
Stability ball single dumbell row 7kg x 12 each side
4 sets

plank step-ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball extended crunches x 12
3 sets

Treadmill - 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x5
Stepper - program 3 (intervals) level 6, 10 minutes
Reclining bike - 3-minute easy ride to cool down

and then lots of stretching!

I always used to post weight and measurements on a Sunday, to measure my progress etc. I've not done that for a while though as I put on a fair bit of weight and didn't really want to advertise the fact. I think I'm doing ok though; I seem to have lost a couple of pounds and feel that my clothes are fitting better so that's always a bonus.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Saturday 2010-04-24

I got up later than expected this morning, which was a bit lazy of me, but since I'm off work until the end of the month I guess it doesn't really matter when I get out of bed for now!

Treadmill - 1 minute, sprint, 30 seconds rest x 6
Stepper - program 3 (intervals) 10 minutes at level 6
Reclining bike - 5 minutes at easy pace to cool down

Stability ball extended crunch x 12
Jacknife x 12
2 sets
(feeling lazy!)

Am thinking about doing a sort of juice detox type thing on Monday, will see whether I can be bothered though! If I do I'll post about it here - despite the fact I'm fairly sure nobody reads this blog any way!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Friday 2010-04-23

Didn't go to the gym yesterday as I was ill. This morning I wasn't sure whether I was ill or not, but I figured I'd kick myself if I didn't go. So I compromised with my inner fitness freak, and caught the bus to the gym!

Stability ball chest press - flye - 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbell row 6kg x 12 each side
Wall squat with shoulder press 2x2kg x 12
3 sets

Stability ball extended crunches x 12
Jacknife x 12
3 sets

I was going to swim, but there were loads of people in the pool so I couldn't be bothered with it.

Tomorrow morning I think I might get up and go to the gym early, maybe do some weights and see about doing the spin class if I'm there when it starts. And then spend the rest of the day in the garden!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wednesday 2010-04-21

I had a late start at work today, so had the luxury of waking up naturally, rather than to my alarm - still up by 7am though!
I've discovered that being at the gym later means you pretty much get all the equipment to yourself, which was nice - though my legs are still horribly sore from Sunday morning's exertion so I actually didn't do very much!

Treadmill - 1 minute warm-up, then 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x 5 (up to 12.5km/h)
Stepper - 5 minutes at level 6, 5 minutes at level 5
Reclining bike -  minutes at easy pace to cool down

Then I spent a long time stretching in the hope that I don't wake up with still-sore legs in the morning!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Tuesday 2010-04-20

Wow, a full week back training properly.
And my legs are killing me! I'm fairly sure the pain woke me at least once last night! Any way I dragged myself to the gym this morning in the hope that exercise would loosen my joints a bit. Didn't do much when I got there, but at least I made the effort!

Treadmill - 3 minutes walking fast at a steep incline (legs really not up to running)
Stepper: 5 minutes at level 6, 5 minutes at level 5

Stability ball extended crunches x 12
Stability ball plank with toe tap x 12
2 sets

Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday 2010-04-19

Gadzooks, did I ever ache when I woke up this morning! Very stiff legs!
I still dragged myself to the gym - it just took longer than normal to get there!

Warmed up with some cardio, then did a bit of upper body...

Stepper: level 6, 5 minutes

Stability ball chest press - flye 2x4kg x 12
Stability ball dumbell row 5kg x 12 each side
Pull downs - first set at 20kg, then at 15kg x 12
3 sets

Then I thought since I was there I'd do Body Balance. I've not done this class for probably about 6 months. It was a new release this week though, so I was lucky in that nobody really knew what they were doing. It bloody hurt, but I think it's probably helped to stretch my poor aching legs out a bit!

After that, since I was off work and didn't have anything I really needed to do, I went for a swim. I did 20 lengths of the pool, but it was mainly for leisure rather than exercise. I would have gone in the jacuzzi/spa thingie, had it been working - but as usual, it's broken.

I was originally planning to work on lower body again tomorrow, but judging by today's inability to walk, I think I'd better leave it a day or two. So the plan is to do cardio and some abs in the morning, and perhaps Legs Bums & Tums after work, depending on my legs!

I do feel pretty good for the exercise though, and when I weighed myself this morning I appeared to have lost a pound and a half so I can't really complain!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sunday 2010-04-18

I dragged myself to the gym this morning, despite really not being in the mood for it.  Feel better for it though, if slightly sore!
First session back doing weights. I found an old program from August last year and did part of that...

Single-leg stability ball squat (with one leg on a stability ball) - 2x6kg x 12 each side
Sprint touch-backs 2x4kg x 20 each side
3 sets (ouchies!)

Lunge and floor touch with scaption 2kg x 20 each side
Wall squat with shoulder press 2x2kg x 12
2 sets

Plank step-ups x 12 (6 each side)
Stability ball crunches x 12
3 sets

Finished off with 10 lengths of the pool, more to stretch out/chill than to exercise.

There was another superset I was meant to do but couldn't remember what one of the exercises was, so I chickened out. Maybe tomorrow. I'm going to start doing this program 3 times a week, until I can hunt down the programs I was given from August onwards.
I'm pretty sore already - my legs aren't used to this much exercise any more and the lunges really knackered me out! Still, at least I've started again, and I know I can at least lift some weights without dying!

Am off work tomorrow so hoping to have a reasonably long session at the gym. Fingers crossed any way!

Friday, 16 April 2010

Friday 2010-04-16

Managed to get to the gym in time for Spin this morning, which was pretty good.
It was a pretty tough class, with more upper body work than I'm used to so I may be a little sore tomorrow. Still, I guess that's the general plan with these things!

Am hoping to keep up the exercise over the weekend, as the photos from last weekend are still haunting me Must. Lose. Weight.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Thursday 2010-04-15

Well today I not only managed to drag my sorry arse to the gym pre-7am, but I also managed to force a friend to come with me. Go team!
I was not very imaginative on the old workout though. Will have to try harder to plan things in future.

Treadmill - 1.5 minute sprint, 30 second rest x 4
Stepper - interval program (3) 5 minutes at level 6, 5 minutes at level 5

Stability ball crunches x 12
Stability ball step-offs x 12
3 sets

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Wednesday 2010-04-14

Felt like absolute crap this morning, I was so tired it was a real struggle to get out of bed, and then I spent the whole morning at work trying not to fall asleep. I toyed with the idea of not going to Spin class at the gym, but I knew I had to go back at some point. So I consoled myself with the promise that perhaps a bit of exercise would perk me up a bit.

It was nice to go back actually; I'd been dreading it for weeks because I knew everyone would be all "hello stranger" but actually they were really nice. The instructor was bonkers as usual, and worked us really hard. I left the class feeling knackered, but smiling.

The best part was when I said I'd had to come back cos I'd put on half a stone, and one of the ladies told me it didn't look like I'd put on weight. Win!

Going in tomorrow to do some other stuff... not sure whether to go for cardio or weights. I've damaged/inflamed the tendon on the top of my right foot, so running on the treadmill is probably a bad idea since the doctor told me to rest it. Perhaps I'll hook out some of my PT program sheets and do one of those...

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Tuesday 2010-04-13

I finally went back to the gym this morning. Feel pretty good for it too...

Treadmill: 1:30 sprint, 30 seconds rest x5 (up to 12.5km/h)
Stepper: interval program (6), 10 minutes, half at level 6, then half at level 5

I went out on Saturday night, and when I saw the photos I realised I've put on more weight than I'm comfortable with. So I'm back on the straight and narrow until my birthday. Hope to lose at least half a stone over the next month and a half...

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Sunday 2010-04-04

Woke up this morning a little achey from the run yesterday. Weird how it's not just your legs that ache, but back and abs as well. Still, at least I know I did something!

Decided against another run this morning, on account of the fact my foot still really hurts. Not sure what that's all about. Any way I've been cleaning the house a bit, and then decided to do a little circuit workout... mainly to keep that slightly achey feeling going, until I go to the gym and proper kill myself this week...

press ups x 12
reverse crunches x 12
kettle bell swings x 15
kettle bell side extensions x 12 each side

3 sets

Not sure if that's really enough to count as exercise - probably not if you go by my normal standards, but it's been a while so I'll let myself off! Am more awake now!

Am thinking about perhaps giving up drinking Coke. I'm getting through a lot of it at the moment - probably around 500-600 calories a day. When you add to that all the chocolate and junk I've been eating lately, it's really a miracle I've only put on half a stone in the last 6 months! So I figure, give up the Coke, and work on eating more healthily with the idea that if I'm full of fruit and vege I won't have room for chocolate or Haribo! This last week I've been trying to eat proper meals, taking salads to work and things. I don't think it's had any effect on my weight yet - mainly because of the Coke, and still eating large amounts of junk - but I'm getting there. At least I'm not eating cheese and crackers for dinner every night!

I've decided to sign up for the Reading Half Marathon next year. I didn't do it this year, and found that I actually felt like I was missing out when it came time for the actual race. Also I think I need something to be training for, otherwise it's just too easy to make an excuse not to train at all. My friend has said she'll do it for me, and we're joining a Womens Running Network at the end of this month to get us started. We've nearly a year to train for it, so there's no reason I shouldn't beat last year's time of 2:29.
I'm also climbing Snowdon in August with a friend. This is something we agreed when drunk, but I actually am really up for it. No idea how to train for it though, since there aren't many mountains round here. He says it's just a hill and I'll be fine, but I'm hideously out of shape at the moment so I need to get a lot more fit before August!

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Saturday 2010-04-03

I went for a run this morning, only a little one. Am fairly down in the dumps at the moment, what with one thing and another. Thought a run might make me feel better but it just made me realise how unfit I've become! I ran up the steps, but only once, and then carried on round and back down to the main road. My left ankle hurts, and I've done something very wrong to my right foot which I'm hoping will magically fix itself but is actually getting more painful. Am determined not to end up in casualty on a bank holiday weekend though, so I'll keep on ignoring it!

Monday, 29 March 2010

I cooked!

Am proud of myself. Pork belly, kale, broccoli, sweet potato mash and gravy!

Monday, 15 March 2010

This view almost made me late for Spin class this morning...

Oh yeah, i went to Spin class at 7 this morning. I've a feeling I'll regret that decision when I try to get out of bed tomorrow...

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Sunday 2010-03-14

Well look at that, I made it to the gym today.
I know, I'm as surprised as you. I woke up at 7:30 and thought I may as well get up and go to the gym before I had time to change my mind.
Back on the HIIT straight away... it bloody hurt!

Treadmill: 2 minutes sprint, 1 minute rest x3
Stepper: program 3 (interval) level 6, 10 minutes

Stability ball extended crunch x10
Stability ball side raises x 10 each side
3 sets

Elbow - knee crunches x20
Side plank 30 seconds each side
2 sets

I think I'll be a little sore tomorrow... but I've arranged to go to Spin class with a friend first thing, so I'll have to just man up won't I. It's about time I did!

Saturday, 13 March 2010


Shock horror, Vicky's done some exercise!
Yeah yeah, I know this thing has been largely redundant for ages now. I'm lame. I've been dealing with some shit in my life, and where I know that exercise helps when I'm stressed, I was still lacking that initial ability to get up off my arse.
The good news is, since my appetite has been kind of screwed as well, I don't think I've put on much weight... I hope not any way.
For the last few weeks my Facebook status has been "Vicky is going back to the gym tomorrow." on average once a week. I've never made it there. Always something better to do, a good excuse - or in some cases, just a complete inability to get of my pyjamas and off the couch before 2pm.

Today I planned to go to the gym, but didn't get there. Still lame. I got as far as putting on my running kit, and convincing myself I'd go for a run - but I needed to eat first. And then I had to let the food go down... and then... and then... I just gave up. But I have managed to do some kettlebell swings, lunges, etc. Am feeling a little more alive. Am hoping this is the start of me climbing out of the hole I've been hiding in for the past couple of months. Am feeling a bit wobbly now though, oops!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Monday 2010-02-01

Started the month as I meant to go on... sort of.

Stability ball dumbell row 8kg x15 each side
Stability ball chest flye 2x6kg x15
Single leg pull down 15kg x16 (8 each side)
Stability ball tricep extension 2x3kg x15
3 sets

bicycle abs x20
Side plank 30 seconds each side
3 sets

Am feeling a bit wussy today but at least I made the effort to go in.
Will attempt lower body tomorrow...

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Sunday 2010-01-31

Treadmil:l 1:30 sprint, 30 seconds rest x3
Stepper: nterval program, level6 , 10 minutes

(so not in the mood for exercise today!)

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Tuesday 2010-01-26

I got up late this morning but still managed to make it to the gym, so was pretty impressed with myself! Did a bit of HIIT on the old treadmill. Am still struggling with still being red-faced 2 hours after finishing my workout, but am sure it will improve over time...

Treadmill 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x5 (got up to 13km/h and then panicked!)

Stepper: interval program, level 6, 10 minutes

Am debating having the morning off tomorrow, and just doing spin at lunch... not sure though, quite fancy a swim!

Monday, 25 January 2010

Monday 2010-01-25

Gym again this morning. I decided it was time to bite the bullet and actually do the lower body part of my program. I've no idea why I've been putting this off until now, but I have.

Overhead squats with weighted bar x10
Overhead static lunges with weighted bar x10

BOSU squat with shoulder press 2x3kg x15
Stability ball single leg lunge x15 each side
Athletic step-back 2x3kg x15 each side
Stability ball weight pull over 8kg x15
3 sets

BOSU plank hands to elbows x5
2 sets

Bicycle crunches x20
Side plank 30 seconds each side
2 sets

Am debating running this evening, but not sure might do some more kettlebell stuff instead. Or perhaps not. I'm aware that I did a first weigh-in 2 weeks ago and have done nothing since; I'm hoping to have lost a bit of weight or at least a couple of inches. Will hopefully remember to do all that stuff before I leave for the gym in the morning. If I'm honest I think I'm a bit scared to do it, in case I've not lost any weight, or worse - I've put more on! This is what's making me think I should do another workout this evening - every little helps and all that!

Well I checked my email, including the 200+ unread emails from the health and fitness subscriptions I have. And I decided to just get up off my arse and work out.

Kettlebell swings x15
Kettlebell shoulder press x10 each side
3 sets

cardo set: "suicides," power squats, mountain climbers and jump-overs, x20 each
kettlebell bicep curl x10 each side
3 sets

Am broken now. Off to the sofa to lie down!

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Sunday 2010-01-24

Woke up feeling pretty rough this morning, I think the lack of caffeine and sugar had kicked in and I was starving. I did eat loads of vegetables yesterday, but I was still starving hungry for most of the day. I decided to just eat a yogurt and go to the gym, see what I felt like doing when I got there...

Treadmill: 2 minute run, 30 second rest x4
Cross trainer: 5 minutes level 5
Stepper: interval program, 6 minutes level 6

Bicycle crunches x 20
Side plank 30 seconds each side

Side jacknife x 12
Stability ball side abs x 12 each side
2 sets

I need to spend most of today clearing out my spare room ready for my sister to move in next weekend, but am hoping to have a go with the kettlebell this afternoon... We'll see how I feel!

So get me, I actually managed a second workout...

Kettlebell windmills x 10 each side
Kettlebell swings x 10
"Around the world" x10
Halos x10
Kettlebell side bends x10 each side
Kettlebell seated twists x10
3 sets

Ouchies! I think I will be even more achey tomorrow! Oh well you know what they say, no pain no gain! Or hopefully no pain no weight loss!

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Saturday 2010-01-23

Managed to get to the gym relatively early for a weekend, which was handy. Decided to do a few weights and then a little cardio...

Stability ball dumbell rox 8kg x 15
Stability ball chest flye 2x6kg x 15
Lat pull down 20kg x 15
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15
3 sets

Treadmill: 2 minute run, 30 second rest x4
Stepper 6 minutes level 6-8 then back to 5 (one minute each)

Am also attempting a detox today. So far so good - lots of fruit and vege, vitamin tablets etc. I thought I might get a horrible headache from lack of caffeine, sugar etc - but so far so good. Am starving though! Think it's time for another bowl of spinach!

So I went to Tesco to buy provisions... and came back with a 5kg kettlebell (and provisions, obviously!). I've been thinking about buying one for ages, there are loads of kettlebell workouts online and they look really good. So when I saw them in Tesco, I thought, ooh kettlebell + clubcard points, I'm having some of that!
And when I came home I just had to try it out!

Kettlebell side bends x 12 each side
Kettlebell seated side twists x 12 each side
3 sets

Kettlebell swings x 12
Kettlebell shoulder raises x 12 each side
3 sets

Hmm I've a feeling my abs may be a little sore tomorrow!
Also I bought the dvd of the latest P!nk tour from Amazon and it arrived today, so have been watching that for motivation. She is really fit and toned, and flings herself about onstage like you wouldn't believe so it's pretty encouraging to watch whilst working out in the living room!

In other news, I am starving after a day of eating nothing but fruit and vegetables. Next time I decide to do some crazy detox I'm going to make sure there are way more veggies in the house! Time for a massive bowl of peppers and carrots I think!

Friday, 22 January 2010

Friday 2010-01-22

I'm proud of myself today. I went to be pretty late last night, and when the alarm went off this morning I really didn't want to get up. I was laying there thinking, "ah, it's Friday, I'll sleep for another hour, have a shower at home and wander into work..." and then I thought to myself, "no you idiot; you had Wednesday off the gym and you might not get the chance to work out this weekend so you'd better get your arse out of bed!"
And with that I was up. I missed the early bus, so I caught a later one - which meant I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, but still at least I got there. I'm hoping this marks a change in my mentality, as up until now my duvet has won every argument it's started!

Treadmill: 2 minute run, 30 second rest x4
Stepper: 5 minutes starting at level 5, up to 8 then back down (1 minute each)
Cross Trainer: 5 minutes level 5

The next step is to actually get myself to the gym early enough to do a major workout before work on the days I have a late start, rather than wandering in a bit late and half-arsing it.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Thursday 2010-01-21

Things have been pretty stressful in my life recently, and I gave myself a good talking to last night; basically before Christmas when things started kicking off I let my food and exercise slip, and it's made matters worse. I need to deal with my stress by exercising, or I'll just get ill and miserable. So I went to the gym this morning and did some cardio, which seems to have helped my mental state somewhat...

trreadmill running 2 mins on, 30 secs rest x 4
cross trainer 5 minutes level 5

And lots of stretching, to wake myself up a bit. And attempting to avoid being sore.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Tuesday 2010-19-01

Gym before work again, it feels good to be getting back into a proper routine.

Stability ball dumbell row 7kg x 15 each side
Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 15
Lat pull down 20kg x 10
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15
3 sets

Stability ball extended crunch x 15
Jacknife x 15 (ouch!)
2 sets

Hmm I think I've lost a lot of the core strength I'd built up before xmas... will have to work on getting that back!

Monday, 18 January 2010

Monday 2010-01-18

Woke up feeling like I had a hangover, despite a distinct lack of booze, which was more than a little annoying. I almost skipped the gym, but then decided to drag myself down there and at least show willing.
When I got there I saw a couple of mates I'd not seen for ages, they were doing some bizarre cardio challenge so I joined in even though I felt bad. I only did a couple of things with them, and they had to go back to work so I carried on doing some stuff on my own. I do feel a lot better for it... though am still really knackered! Early night for me tonight!

Rower: level 6, 700 metres in about 3:30
Cross trainer: level 5, 5 minutes
Treadmill: one minute run followed by 30 seconds rest. 5 rounds
Upright bike: level 5, 5 minutes
Stepper: level 5, 5 minutes

I did these all without a rest between, and was fairly red-faced by the end of it (curse the gym and their lack of working aircon). Feel a lot better now.

Tomorrow: more weights!

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Sunday 2010-01-17

Back to the gym this morning... I can tell this is going to hurt in the morning!

Overhead squats (with weighted bar) x10
Overhead lunges (weighted bar) x 10 each leg

Stability ball dumbell row 7kg x 15 each side
Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 15

Lat pull-down 20kg x 10
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15

4 sets

Bicycle crunches x 20
Side plank 30 seconds each side

3 sets

I'm still struggling with the diet, but I'm getting there. Just need to get back into a routine I think. I'm off work tomorrow so going to try and go to the gym for an extra-long session in the afternoon. Then back to it on Tuesday morning before work!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Wednesday 2010-01-13

No gym this morning or at lunch due to other commitments (and the lack of buses into town at shit o clock!)
Did the Davina dvd when I got home instead; the boxing section. It was quite fun but nowhere near as hardcore as the Pump one. My legs are killing me!

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Back on the Straight and Narrow... Tuesday 2010-01-12

Ok so since about November time, this blog, and my motivation, have kind of gone out the window. I've done very badly at sticking to a regular gym/exercise routine, and my diet has been pretty shocking too.

Now I need to sort my shit out and get back to where I was, only better. I've put on weight and inches in the usual places, and that needs to go.

So I'm starting again with it all. I was going to wait until the weekend to do a starting weigh-in etc, but I figured I may as well just do it now. It's not going to be pretty...

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Weight 146lbs (66kilos)
Waist at navel 34.5" (87.6cm)
Waist 2" below navel 37" (93.9cm)
Hips 38" (96.5cm)

I'm only measuring my waist and hips, because I know that's where the weight is, and that's the only place I'm interested in seeing results. Plus it is far too cold right now to be taking clothes off to take measurements elsewhere!

So here is the plan:

  • eat more fruit and vege
  • cut out junk food
  • cut down on Coke/fizzy drinks (I know if I cut them out completely I'll just fail)
  • plan meals rather than just eating whatever happens to be handy when I'm hungry
  • give away all the biscuits and sweets left over from xmas
  • go to the gym/exercise at least 3 times per week
  • repeat weigh-in and measurements every Tuesday or thereabouts
I think if I can cut back on all the crap I've been eating, and just generally be more active, it shouldn't take long to get back to where I was before I fell off the path last time; then I can start working on getting to where I want to be, which is about a stone lighter than I am right now!

This evening I decided to ease myself back into the old exercise regime by doing a Davina McCall dvd. I did the "pump" section and I've a feeling I'll be a bit achey in the morning. I do miss that ache though!  With the weather at the moment it's a bit tricky to get to the gym before work, and I've had a pretty bad cough/cold any way so don't want to spread my germs. Will continue to work out from home until I'm healthy.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Tuesday 2010-01-05

Gym again today - 2 days in a row, go me!

warm up: overhead squats, leg swings, hip flexor stretches

Stability ball dumbell row 6kg x 15 each side
Stability ball chest flye 2x5kg x 15
Stability ball tricep extension 2x4kg x 15
3 sets

Bicycle crunches x 20
Side plank 30 seconds each side
3 sets

Am feeling pretty pleased with myself, but am sure the DOMS will kick in soon and I'll change my mind.
Cardio tomorrow hopefully...

Monday, 4 January 2010

Monday 2010-01-04

So I finally went back to the gym, after more than a month off.
I had a Christmas job throughout November and December, and basically lost motivation for the gym. Then it sort of became "well it's nearly been a month, I may as well carry on with it..."

But today I returned. I decided to ease myself into it, rather than break myself today and not bother going for the rest of the week.

Cross trainer 5 minutes level 5 (including 1 minute sprint, which made me want to cry)
Stepper 5 minutes level 6 (no sprinting; learned from my mistake!)

Stability ball crunch x 12
Stability ball side iso abs x 12 each side
2 sets

Am debating cracking on with the weights in the morning. There's no way I should be achey from what I did today so there's really no excuse. Plus, the gym have had amazing new showers fitted (whereas mine is a glorified watering can) so I'm actually quite looking forward to it...

At some point I will re-do measurements etc, and we'll begin again.