Monday, 2 November 2009

Monday 2009-11-02

So after my hectic (drunk) weekend, I went back to work today. My stomach is playing up, so I've been eating badly. It's a vicious circle - I eat like crap so I feel sick, and then I feel sick and only fancy eating crap food. Which makes me feel worse. Durr.
Any way I dragged myself to Body Balance and felt a lot better afterwards.
I was due to go to Pump after work, but I felt a bit ropey, and with it being so dark in the evenings I don't want to be wandering home at 7pm because the path to where I live is a bit poorly-lit and deserted after a certain time. So I came home and did the Mel B fitness dvd which came from my Love Film subscription the other day. I know what you're thinking - another celebrity fitness dvd filled with marching on the spot and unobtainable skinny physiques. Not so! For one thing she doesn't have a trainer doing the work for her - she does all the instructing herself. And gets hot and sweaty and out of breath and generally works quite hard. You can set up what you want to do from the menu sequence at the beginning - you choose from cardio, legs, stomach and arms I think. I chose warm up, cardio, arms, stomach and cool-down. It was actually really tough and I'm fairly sure my arms and back are going to be sore tomorrow!

Am getting up in the morning to go to the gym before work, as I can't do LBT in the evening.
I think with the evenings being darker I'm going to have to stop planning to do evening classes and only do them on evenings when I can get a lift home or something. I can do mornings and lunchtimes instead, or run or do a dvd in the evenings. That Mel B one is actually pretty good, I might see about getting myself a copy of it!

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