Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Testing Testing

This is me testing to see if the new blog works...

I may or may not be back... Wednesday 2010-08-04

Hello people who don't read my blog.
I've been "away" for a long while now. The last few months have been really difficult; not just exercise-wise, but life in general. I ended up being signed off work with Depression for a month, and have been a bit mental for a while. I went back to work, and requested voluntary redundancy. They accepted my application and I left on Friday.
So now I'm trying to sort my shit out and get on with my life. It's harder than it sounds; there's an immense amount of apathy to fight against just to get out of bed most mornings, and I've not had a proper night's sleep for nearly 4 months now.
On Friday morning I woke up shit early again, and decided that, since I was up and had no chance of going back to sleep, I may as well go for a run. So I did. And I got on better than I expected to. I only went along Town Path, around Elizabeth Gardens and back again - only 3.8km. But I managed to run further than I ever used to without stopping for a rest.
On Sunday morning I went for another run. Didn't do so well, probably only about 2.8km - but at least I managed it.
Monday I went back to the gym. Having not stepped foot in the building for 2 months I was dreading it, but it wasn't too bad - and my locker actually smelled quite nice! I did a Body Balance class, which made me feel all floaty and smiley, which was something of a novelty.
Yesterday morning I went for a run - same route as Friday.
Today I went to the gym again...

Treadmill - 1 minute sprint, 30 seconds rest x 8 (up to 13.5km/h)
Stepper - 10 minutes at level 6

Stability ball plank/step-down x 15
Stability ball roll-out x 15
2 sets

I'm quite pleased with my effort to be honest, I think the cardio was better than I was managing before.
Weirdly enough, having been so ill and miserable for so long, I think it's done a lot for my mental strength when it comes to exercise. I'm less likely to give up on my workouts now, less likely to half-ass my way through it. It's a good feeling.

The hope is that I can continue to run every other day, and do more classes at the gym. I'm off work on gardening leave now until October, so it's the perfect opportunity to get back into my fitness and exercise routine. Also I'm hoping I can manage to beat my body into submission so that it will actually allow me a decent night's sleep some time very soon! Oh yeah, and if I could get rid of the headache I've had since Sunday, that would also be rather marvellous.